
Day: October 31, 2018

Rewards Network | Nation’s Restaurant News

Expose your business to passionate diners Rewards Network Expose your business to passionate diners Target over 3 million diners across the U.S. and Canada by tapping into Rewards Network’s comprehensive online marketing. You’ll become a preferred…

Restaurants reap rewards of loyalty initiatives | Nation’s Restaurant News

Operators looking for evidence that customer loyalty is more important than ever need look no further than Pam Felix, co-founder of California Tortilla. When she eats somewhere other than the 39-unit fast-casual chain she started,…

Importance of Customer Review in eCommerce

Customer reviews are an important aspect of an eCommerce business. And as an eCommerce business owner, it should be an integral part of your online marketing strategy. Reviews create credibility for your products, and increased…

How Often Should You Email Your List? – Infusionsoft

A question frequently asked by small businesses getting their digital marketing started is, “How often should I email my customers?” Like most things in life, there’s no simple answer to this seemingly straightforward question. If…

How Often Should You Email Your Customers?

Finding the right email frequency can be a delicate balance. You know you need to be reaching out to the people on your email list regularly, but you also need to make sure that they…

Do Email Coupons and Promotions Really Drive Long-term Sales? | Campaign Monitor

Everyone loves a good deal. Whether it’s a deal on groceries or gifts, 96% of American consumers use coupons, according to RetailMeNot. Not only are consumers using coupons, but 93% of subscribers are likely to…

Best Examples of Customer Loyalty and Retention Marketing – Salesforce Blog

Want more awesome content? Sign up for our newsletter. SUBSCRIBE  BACK TO ALL STORIES Every marketer loves to win – and an often-used measure of success is new customer acquisition. It’s no wonder we spend…

5 Benefits of Building an Online Brand Community

If you’ve frequented the Smile blog for any length of time, you’ll know that we are all about building brand a community. If you’re wondering why you should consider building an online community though, I…

Move Your Marketing Budget Away From Advertising!

What percentage of your marketing budget is dedicated to advertising? If you’re like most other businesses out there, chances are it’s been the focus of your brand’s strategy for a while. Unfortunately for you, this…

Why Emotional Relationships Are the Key to Success

When you make a purchase, what’s the deciding factor that pushes you to click “buy now”? While you might have considered things like price, convenience, and quality, chances are your biggest motivator is how that…