
How to Run the FB Ads for the Right Customers?


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Social media platforms and search engines are important tools for leads generation for many businesses. Ads placement through these channels for leads generation can help these businesses capture new customer base in a big way. However, many businesses face a lot of challenges to do so. They  face the uncertainty of getting good conversion rates, targeting the wrong audience and many others. To make these ads works effectively, one would normally optimize the ads targeting such as the demographics of the audience    and other elements. However, this may still result in costly ads and sub-optimal results.


Is there a better way to reduce these uncertainties and increase the returns from these ads?


MIBO customers now have a solution to mitigate this concern. Sales orders and customer records are automatically sent to MIBO from all your sales channels. These customer records can be imported as the audience to your Facebook Ads. These ads will then be shown to your current customers. This approach will minimize the ads placement costs because the audience is a targeted but smaller group. Although the reach is smaller, we would expect higher conversion for your ads  because this audience are customers who already know about your brand and may even be loyal customers.


MIBO customers can run two different campaigns – one for current customers and another for Non-customers and allocating the appropriate budgets to these two campaigns  for maximum effectiveness.

Easy-to-Use and Fast to Setup, MIBO provides the best solution for Small Medium Business for growing their business. Email us at [email protected] and we can show you how we can help.



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