
Author: admin

Taking Loyalty Way Beyond Transactions

To create true loyalty, brands must shift from a rewards mindset to a holistic customer experience mindset. Creating emotional experiences is just one key component of authentic engagement. Customer loyalty today extends well beyond just…

The Six C’s of Loyalty Program Marketing

With so many decisions to be made on a moment-to-moment basis, running an effective loyalty program is a challenging task. To succeed, each solution needs to be customized to fit your brand’s objectives and meet…

State of Loyalty Strategies 2017

Forrester’s recent survey of loyalty marketers found that most are still fine-tuning their programs to establish and solidify relationships with consumers, as well as to build an emotional connection with their most frequent shoppers. Today’s…

How Nordstrom Rewards Is Benefitting From Ditching The Card

If you have to ask, you can’t afford it, the old saying goes. But if you’re shopping at Nordstrom these days, you only have to ask how to pay, and you will be afforded rich rewards. Close…

Hard-to-please Millennials Most Open to Joining Fee-based Loyalty Programs

Do you cringe at the idea of paying a fee to join a customer loyalty program? Chances are you’re not a millennial. A LoyaltyOne nationwide survey of 1,005 consumers in May 2015 reveals that millennials…

It’s Time for a C-Level Rethink of Loyalty in Asia Pacific

In Asia Pacific and beyond, the world is changing with every passing second — from customer attitudes to loyalty, payments to technology. Is your company keeping up? Download a special 26-page COLLOQUY Asia Pacific Report to learn…

Email Marketing Campaign Fundamentals For Digital Newbies – Rewards Institute

Email Marketing Campaign Fundamentals For Digital Newbies If you have a strong and growing customer contact database and you are looking for effective ways to keep in touch with these contacts, then you need email marketing.…

Zero Defections: Quality Comes to Services

The Idea in Brief How much does it really cost your company to lose a customer? The facts may shock you. Long-term customers are a vital source of profitability. They purchase more each year, and…

Starbucks switches its happy hour to invitation-only

Starbucks on Thursday will launch a revamped happy hour program as the coffee chain looks to perk up slumping afternoon sales. Rather than solely discounting Frappuccino beverages for all afternoon customers, as Starbucks has done in the past, this new…

Getting your Customers to Sign Up

Rewards programs are exploding. American households already have 30 different loyalty memberships and join more every month. It’s not surprising — loyalty programs are win-win for customers and merchants. Customers get special treatment and valuable…